Google Scholar Library
Social Sciences

Google Scholar Library


Google Scholar Library

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 | 11:30 PM
Today we?re launching Scholar Library, your personal collection of articles in Scholar. You can save articles right from the search page, organize them by topic, and use the power of Scholar's full-text search & ranking to quickly find just the one you want - at any time and from anywhere. You decide what goes into your library and we?ll provide all the goodies that come with Scholar search results - up to date article links, citing articles, related articles, formatted citations, links to your university?s subscriptions, and more. And if you have a public Scholar profile, it?s easy to quickly set up your library with the articles you want - with a single click, you can import all the articles in your profile as well as all the articles they cite. Click here and follow the instructions to get started.
Here?s how it looks. Click ?Save? below a search result to save it to your library. Click ?My library? to see all the articles in your library and search their full text. You can also use labels to organize your articles. To get you started we?ve created two labels, ?My Citations? and ?Cited by me?, based on your Scholar profile, if you have one. ?My Citations? contains your profile articles and ?Cited by me? contains articles you?ve cited. See our help page for more details.
We hope you enjoy your personal collection with all the Scholar goodies!

Posted by: James Connor, Software Engineer

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Social Sciences
