Why? | This is your primary profile, and where many people will find you. |
What? | You should include ? a photo, descriptive text, most recent and most notable publications. |
How? | Go to UConnect > JustU > Update My Staff Search Details |
Example | - http://staffsearch.usq.edu.au/profile/reid-mortensen |
Why? | Because you have an obligation to add your publications to ePrints so that USQ can report accurately for ERA and HERDC, but also because this is a well-indexed open-access repository. Having your publications in ePrints makes them more visible to more people. ePrints material is indexed in Google Scholar. It will automatically appear in search results in Google Scholar, and in your Google Scholar profile. This saves you time! |
How? | Check and deposit your publications at http://eprints.usq.edu.au/ . |
Why? | Many people search Google Scholar because it?s easy. Google Scholar indexes ?scholarly materials? ? it includes a very large number of scholarly databases, but not commercial websites, and not law reports. Google Scholar also indexes books and book chapters. This is good for humanities and social science academics (though not perfect). You can manually add publications that aren?t already in Google Scholar. You can export your Google Scholar citations to a spreadsheet, and then add in citations in judgments or government reports etc. to make a more complete record of your citations and impact. |
What? | Include in your profile ? a photo, USQ email address, research areas, and the URL for your USQ staff profile as your ?Homepage?. |
How? | Sign up at https://scholar.google.com.au. Google Scholar will suggest a list of publications to you. You ?claim? the ones that are yours. You can also opt to allow Google Scholar to automatically keep your profile up to date. It is easy to delete a publication that isn?t yours. You can ?follow? authors, or set up alerts on Google Scholar searches. Both of these will result in emails to you telling you when authors have new publications, and when new publications match your searches. |
Example | ? https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=n15bZjEAAAAJ&hl=en |
Why? | ORCID is a non-commercial organisation providing permanent digital identifiers for researchers. This is a unique number that?s associated with you. You can use this in ePrints, when applying for grants, and when submitting articles for publication. It ties all publications and funding under any of your name variants to you. In future, USQ?s systems will be able to use your ORCID ID to automatically harvest information about your publications and funding from other places (for example, from Scopus). This means that will need to manually tell the University less about your output, and the University will be able to report more fully and accurately about all your publication and funding activities. All of this will save you time! |
What? | Include a description of your research interests under ?Biography?. You can include links to websites in your profile. We recommend you add links to your USQ profile and your Google Scholar profile. If you have publications in Scopus or a ResearcherID, we highly recommend that you link those author IDs to ORCID so that both profiles are automatically kept up to date. This will be particularly relevant to researchers in the sciences. If you have datasets in ANDS you can also link these to your ORCID profile. If you don?t have publications in Scopus or a ResearcherID that can be linked to ORCID, you can, if you want to, manually add publications into ORCID. If you have links to USQ and to your Google Scholar profile, this isn?t really necessary. |
How? | Go to http://orcid.org |
Why? | ResearcherID provides a unique identifier in a similar way to ORCID, to enable author identification. ResearcherID information integrates with the Web of Science and is managed by Thomson Reuters. You can use ResearcherID to manage your publication lists, and track citations. You are able to manually add publications, but citation information is only provided for Web of Science publications. ResearcherID is best for researchers whose publications appear in Web of Science. |
What? | Include your institutional affiliation, and a link to your USQ Staff Profile or your Google Scholar profile in your ResearcherID profile. Match your ORCID and ResearcherID profiles to keep both up to date simultaneously. |
How? | Go to http://www.researcherid.com/ . You will need to enter your name and email address to receive an ?invitation? to join ResearcherID. |
Why? | LinkedIn profiles tend to come up very high in search results for people. Making sure your LinkedIn profile is a positive representation of you is important to your visbility. This blog post has some great tips to ?supercharge your academic LinkedIn profile?. |
What? | You can include a photograph, your past work experience, your expertise, descriptions of research projects and collaborations. You can also add publications to LinkedIn, though if you have a complete USQ staff profile, or a good Google Scholar profile, this isn?t necessary. You can add links to websites (such as your USQ staff profile page or your Google Scholar profile), and LinkedIn also supports SlideShare, Vimeo, Prezi, Storify and other provides. You can add media from these providers to your LinkedIn profile if you desire. LinkedIn will suggest ?connections? to you ? these are people LinkedIn thinks you know or work with. We highly recommend that you only accept LinkedIn invitations from people you genuinely know, rather than accepting any invitation that arrives. Make sure your profile is set to ?public? so that people can find you! |
How? | Go to https://www.linkedin.com/ |