Monday, 9th November 2015
Social Sciences

Monday, 9th November 2015

Hello,  I'm Jaime. Today it's my turn to do the review of the class. So, Come on. 
At the begining we saw a video about Enlightned thinkers. This talked about philosophers who wanted to illuminate the darkness of the world with the light of reason. One example of this was the challenge sent by the philosopher Immanuel Kant.
Jean Rond D'Alembert and Denis Diderot developed the yearning to know and created the encyclopedia. The first edition was published in 1751. 
The thoughts of the Enlightenment was divided in:
-Political Thought:
  1. Rousseau
  2. Voltaire
  3. Montesquieu  
-Economic Thought:

  1. Fisiocrats ( Quesnay)
  2. Economic Liberalism (Adam Smith)

  1. Social contract
  2. General will

  1. Executive Power ( Government)
  2. Legislative Power ( Make the laws)
  3. Judiciary ( Make to keep the laws )
  • Voltaire defended the necessity of the parliament to limit the power of king
  • Fisiocrats made the agriculture the most important activity of the period
  • Adam Smith was the person who started the Economic Liberalism.
Can you find this information in a video  of the blog.

After the video, we did a review of the last class. Then Paqui explained the Enlightened Depotism and the Independence of  U.S.A. with a scheme in the digital and blackboard

Enlightened Depotism
-Definition: Absolutism Ideas
-Reforms made: Educational Economic Administration
-Enlightened Depotism motto: " Everything for the people, but without the people
-Limit of the reform: They didn't toch of the structure of absolute power and privilege ( estate- based society). Reform were insufficient
-Examples of enlightened monarchs: Catherine II for the people ,  but without people.
Independence of the USA

-Eastern Coasts of North America
-The north American colonists didn't have representatives in the British Parliament, british government constantly increased the taxed, and  had the monopoly of trade with the North American
The main features of the U S A.: 
-The constition and the Bill of the Rights
-A goverment choosen by the citizens: A republic 
-Division of powers
- USA is divided into different estatues
Resultado de imagen de British colonies in USA

Finally Paqui sent us to complete the scheme of the Indenpence of the USA. While we were finishing scheme she fixed the Day of Exam on 17th century.

Can you find this information at a presentation and in the book of 4th of Eso

-Motto: Lema
-Tea Tax: Impuestos de Tasas
-Stoyle production: de 1º necesidad

- Thursday, 12th November 2015
Hi! Today I want to show you what we?ve done this morning in Social Sciences class.At the beginning of the class, we?ve reviewed what we did on Tuesday. Paqui has made a short summary which included: the Reasons of the discontent, how they declared independence...

- Tuesday, 10th November 2015
Hello, I,m Lidia. Today I will explain what we have done in social sciences class. At the beginning of the class we have continued with the theory, we started with Independence of the brithish colonies of North America and we have learned: The...

- Monday, 2nd November 2015
Hi, mates, I'm Irene, let's see what we' ve studied today in class: First, we' ve reviewed about what did we studied last day in class, Ancien Régime and we have drawn this pyramid: It's about the Ancien Régime society and explains...

- Thursday, 29th October 2015.
Hi, I?m Benjamín, I?m going to explain what we have done today in Social Sciences class. At the beginning of the class we have handed in the project ?My Travel Journal?. Then Paqui has copied the index of the Unit 2; ?The 18thcentury and the crysis of...

- 16 Th April 2015 ( Thursday)
Hello I am José Luis and this is my journal: Today the class started at third period. Today was the make up  exam , this exam has been taken by  Gustavo , José and Lucía. I think thtat all are going to pass the exam. During the class the...

Social Sciences
