Social Sciences
Monday, 2nd November 2015
Hi, mates, I'm Irene, let's see what we' ve studied today in class:
First, we' ve reviewed about what did we studied last day in class, Ancien Régime and we have drawn this pyramid:

It's about the Ancien Régime society and explains the differences between the three estates: Nobility (divided into high and low) had lands and rents and they charged taxes to peasants; Clergy (divided into high: cardinals and bishops, and low: divided into monks and priests) had also land and charged the tithe; and finally the Third Estate (which included peasants, bougeois, servants, manual workers, merchants and craftsmen), formed by 90% of population, they worked to survive, paid taxes, didn't have participation in politics and didn't have rights.
Then, we have continued with the scheme but we have studied Changes in production: peasants continued using fallow technique and that was the reason for
low production. Peasants had to pay taxes and the tithe to the privileged people, 10% of their production was destined to clergy. Guilds controlled production.
After that we've seen the Power Pyramid and what the French revolutionaries wanted to obtain:
-representative government, elected by citizens
- a society based on equality of all the citizens, without priviledges
-a productive economy, where those who had initiative could make business without limitations
Power Pyramid in Ancien Règime
Finally, we have started with Enlightenment which was an intellectual movement during 18th century in Europe which questioned all Ancien Règime principles and was based on Reason. We have copied this in class about Enlightenment:
-15th-16th century: HUMANISM-> human being, center of interest and reduction of the influence of religion
-17th century: SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION-> Rationalism and Empiricism. It was a reason and experience where the best mean to learn
-18th century: ENLIGHTENMENT-> use of Reason (intelligence) to learn, understand the world and improve it
Remember, for homework we must do a scheme about Enlightenment in which we have to include definition of Enlightenment and its features.
-Glossary Rents-> rentas
Gallicanism-> Galicanismo
Fallow-> barbecho
Drought-> sequía
Double-> duplicar, doblar
Claim-> reivindicar
Culmination-> culminación
Enlightened-> ilustrado
Elitist-> elitista
See you tomorrow!
Friday 29th May 2015
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Social Sciences