What it is: A measure of citations to a journal
based on 2 year period. A 2012 impact factor = A/B with A being the
number of times articles published in 2010 and 2011 were cited in 2012,
and B being the number of citable articles published in 2010 and 2011.
?Citable? articles include reviews and proceedings. Self-cites are
included in the calculation.
Journal Impact Factors are based on citations from the journals
indexed in Web of Science. For many social science fields, their titles
list is far from comprehensive, and this lack of coverage atifically
lowers impact numbers for many education journals.
Where to find it: Journal Citation Reports- Start at the link above
- Go into the database and choose the "JCR Social Science Edition"
- Opt to "Search for a specific journal" and click "submit"
- Enter the name of your journal and click "search"
- You'll see results that include JIF and other data point. To see a
more complete explanation, click on the linked journal title.