Citation Analysis Tools & Instructions - Research Impact, Citation Analysis & Altmetrics
Social Sciences

Citation Analysis Tools & Instructions - Research Impact, Citation Analysis & Altmetrics


 Citation Analysis Tools & Instructions

section introduces the souces available to the UC community for
creating citation counts and conducting citation analysis and explains
their coverage and method of searching.

Click on any of the source options below or the drop down menu above to navigate to the desired resource:

WEB OF SCIENCETHE original citation research source and, along with Google Scholar, the most interdisciplinary and most comprehensive citation resource available to UC researchers.


resource frequently used for citation analysis and journal ranking
statistics. The Scopus claims to be the "largest abstract and citation
database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart
tools to track, analyze and visualize research."

GOOGLE SCHOLARAn interdisciplinary source of citation research but heavily skewed to the sciences and unpredictable in its coverage.


Citation Analysis Tools & Instructions - Research Impact, Citation Analysis & Altmetrics - CampusGuides at University of Cincinnati

- Citation Analysis
 Source: Citation analysis and bibliometricsResponsible metrics - Choose your indicators with care. Don't make inappropriate comparisons. Bibliometrics can be defined as the statistical...

- Get Published | Deakin University Library - Bibliometrics Tools To Measure Research Impact
Source: Bibliometrics tools to measure research impactCitation analysis is an aspect of bibliometrics that provides the ability to track the work of authors, the influence of papers and the trajectory...

- Equality Of Google Scholar With Web Of Science Citations
Home > Vol 8, No 5 (2014) > Ebrahim Equality of Google Scholar with Web of Science Citations: Case of Malaysian Engineering Highly Cited PapersNader Ale Ebrahim, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi, Mahmoud Danaee, Marjan Mohammadjafari, Azam Zavvari,...

- Citation Measures And Tools - Increasing Your Research Impact
 Source: Citation measures and tools The citation measures and tools offered by many library database providers can measure the impact of research using citation mapping,...

- Scopus - Citation Analysis - Libguides At Long Island University-brooklyn
Source: Introduction Scopus is considered by many to be the primary competitor to the Web of Science database for citation analysis and journal ranking...

Social Sciences
