Social Science Fellowships at the Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) University of Delhi Enclave, North Campus, Delhi ? 110 007
The Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) invites applications from Indian social scientists to pursue research under the Institute's Think Tank Initiative (TTI).
Two Fellowships named IEG-TTI fellowships, will be awarded for research on a well-formulated research project, preferably in one of the following areas: Environmental and Resource Economics, Health Economics, Institutions and Governance, Agricultural Economics, Globalisation and Technological Change, Industrial Economics, Macro-economic Modelling and Policy, Social Change, Population Studies, and Labour Welfare. An outstanding research proposal in fi elds other than these will also be considered.
Junior Fellowship at the level of Assistant Professor to an Indian scholar with a Ph.D. Degree in Economics, Sociology, Political Science or other social sciences, preferably below 35 years of age, for a period of two years.
Senior Fellowship at the level of Associate Professor to a well-established Indian scholar with a Ph.D. Degree in Economics,
Sociology, Political Science or other social sciences for a period of two years.
A Fellow will: (a) work full-time on research and not undertake any consultancy work; (b) give one seminar for each year of the fellowship; (c) prepare over the period at least two high quality papers, publishable in peer reviewed journals, of which at least one paper should be accepted during the fellowship period in an international peer reviewed journal; and (d) prepare a six-monthly self-assessment report. A Fellow will have access to a personal computer, e-mail and internet facilities, and resources to attend one professional conference in India.
Depending on academic qualifi cations and the strength of the proposed research project, a Fellow will get (a) a consolidated monthly stipend at the level of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, (b) a relocation allowance, (c) a book allowance, and (d) contribution towards premium for a Mediclaim Policy. The Institute will provide accommodation on Campus to the Fellow from outside Delhi, subject to availability.
The applications should be sent to the Academic Programmes Offi cer with full details of academic experience; long-term goals; a brief overview of research interests at the Ph.D. level and in subsequent years; an outline of the proposed research (in not more than 2500 words) indicating the objectives, methodology and the sources of data and a 250 word abstract; a copy of up to three best publications; and names (and, if possible, also the e-mail addresses) of three referees. Applications should reach the Academic Programmes
Officer, Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi Enclave, (North Campus), Delhi ? 110 007 (Email:
[email protected]) within 6 weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in EPW
Institute invites applications for one Fellowship at the level of Assistant Professor, preferably aged below 35 years, for two years in the ? rst instance, which may be extended for a further period of one year subject to satisfactory work and one...
INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC GROWTHUNIVERSITY OF DELHI ENCLAVENORTH CAMPUS, DELHI-110007The Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) plans to appoint a Professor in the Agricultural Economics Research Unit of the Institute in the pay scale of Rs. 37,400-67,000, AGP:...
Sir Ratan Tata Trust Fellowship for Young Social Scientistsatthe Institute of Economic Growth (IEG)University of Delhi, North Campus, Delhi ? 110 007The IEG invites applications for One Senior Fellowship at the level of Associate Professor/Professor...
The IEG invites applications for One Junior Fellowship at the level of Assistant Professor, from a well-established Indian scholar with a Ph.D. Degree in Economics, Sociology or other Social Sciences, preferably below the age of 35 years (less than...
Sir Ratan Tata Trust Fellowship for Young Social Scientists at the Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) University of Delhi, North Campus, Delhi - 110 007 The IEG invites applications for One Junior Fellowship at the level of Assistant Professor, from...