Research Associates
Social Sciences

Research Associates

Programme and Research Associate/s (consolidated pay of Rs. 14,000-
20,000/- per month, depending on qualification and experience) for a
period of one year, extendable to 2nd year in case of requirement. The
candidate should have Ph.D. or M.Phil degree in Social Sciences or
humanities with publications and/or minimum of five years working
experience in the field of Human Rights. The candidate should be below
35 years in age. Candidates with proficiency in English, readiness to do
fieldwork and having interest in any of the following themes, such as,
citizenship, forced migration, gender rights, human rights, peace studies,
autonomy, globalization, development, labour studies, and agrarian studies
Detailed applications along with two recommendation letters may be sent
by post or by e-mail within 7 May 2010 to The Office Secretary, Mahanirban
Calcutta Research Group, GC-45, Sector?III, First Floor, Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700106 (e-mail: [email protected] phone: 91-33-2337-0408
and Fax: 91-33-2337-1523). Travel by outstation candidates will be
reimbursed (Railway fare by AC three tire). Applicants are requested to
consult MCRG website for information on the institution.

- Jobs@ Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group
Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group requires Fellow/Research and Programme Associate for its research in the area of migration studies with special emphasis on Forced Migration on a consolidated pay of Rs. 22,000-30,000/- per month (depending on qualification...

- Workshop
Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group (MCRG) is organizing a special media workshop (8-13 October 2012) as part of its Tenth Annual Orientation Programme on Forced Migration. The workshop will include a ?eld visit. The objective of the workshop will be...

- Ninth Annual Orientation Programme On Forced Migration
Ninth Annual Orientation Programme on Forced MigrationApplications are invited for the Ninth Annual Orientation Programme on Forced Migration to be held  in Kolkata, India, from 1-15 December 2011.  The course is certified by the UNHCR and Calcutta...

- Research Associates
MAHANIRBAN CALCUTTA RESEARCH GROUP requires:-1. Research and Programme Associate/s (consolidated pay of Rs. 14,000-25,000/- per month, dependingon qualification and experience) for a period of one year, extendable to 2nd year in case of requirement. The...

- Eighth Annual Winter Course On Forced Migration Last Date 31st May
EIGHTH ANNUAL WINTER COURSE ON FORCED MIGRATIONApplications are invited for a 15-day orientation course on Forced Migration to be held in Kolkata, INDIA (1-15 December 2010). The Course, certifi ed by the UNHCR and Calcutta Research Group, will be preceded...

Social Sciences
