Social Sciences
Interesting article on postdoctoral felllowships in the humanities
Sharlene Simon kindly shared a link to this
Chronicle of Higher Education article on how postdocs are becoming more important to many future faculty. The article is available for the next five days at this link.
Chronicle of Higher Education subscribers can always access this here.
Higher Education
Higher Education Higher education is Education that is provided by universities, vocational universities, community colleges, liberal arts colleges, technical colleges, and other collegial institutions that award academic degrees, such as career colleges....
News Item: The Research Works Act Is Dead, For Now
Colleagues, this is not the usual funding opportunity note, but, rather, is news about important legislation that, for this year at least, is dead. This is probably good news for those who value open scholarship. The bill--the "Research Works Act." would...
Increasing Readership And Citations « Public Administration Review
Increasing Readership and Citations Here are 10 suggestions from Wiley on how to increase the readership for your article: 1. Your Library: If your library does not have access to your article, recommend a subscription to PAR using...
Promote Your Articles
Source: Promote your articles We are committed to promoting and increasing the visibility of your article and would like to work with you to promote your paper to potential...
Improving Your Citations
Source: Improving your citationsThere are a number of ways to improve your citation rate. Where and how you publishMaking your research available as open access...
Social Sciences