Social Sciences
GSE 2015 3rd Global Summit On Education
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The 3rd Global Summit on Education (GSE 2015) is an international education conference that invites academicians, scholars and researchers from around the world to meet and exchange the latest ideas on Education issues.
3rd GSE 2015 will be published into GSE e-Journal of Education,ISSN: (2289-6880) and e-Proceeding of GSE 2015 e-ISBN: (978-967-11768-X-X) by The journal will be indexed by Google Scholar.
The main objective of this conference is to provide a forum and an effective medium for academicians, scientists, scholars and researchers:
To present the result of their research activities in in the field of education To discuss researches that contribute to the sharing of new ideas, innovations, theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge, and problem solving techniques in the disciplines, themes and areas of education.
Enquiries: [email protected] Web address: Sponsored by: |
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Social Sciences