The Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi invites applications for Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2010-11. Upto five fellowships (of which one fellowship is earmarked for a teacher-fellow) will be awarded for a period of two years with possible extension of one year. Successful candidates will work on a doctoral dissertation in an
Indian university under the supervision/co-supervision of a faculty member of the Centre. Students from Universities which do not allow for co-supervision need not apply.
Fellowships are offered to students with interests falling within the areas of Centre's research:
* Democracy, polity, political and social theory
* Social change, development, alternatives and critiques
* Culture, state, civilization and society
* Gender, ethnicity, caste, identity, diversity and violence
* Media Studies and Urban Experience
* South Asian and East Asian Studies
While this is a broad list of theme areas, past fellowship holders have come from across academic disciplines.
Fellowship and facilities:
Fellowship offered consists of a monthly stipend of Rs.12,000 and a contingency grant of Rs.10,000 per annum along with library and office facilities, for the first two years and Rs. 14,000/- and a contingency of Rs. 20,500/- for the third year.
* Post-graduate degree in social sciences with at least 55 per cent marks.
* The applicant should be registered for PhD in an Indian University or
should be able to complete the registration formalities before 31 March
Application requirements:
* Curriculum Vitae
* Names and addresses of two academic referees
* A statement of about 1500 words on the proposed research and
* A sample of candidate's written work.
Selection and Preference:
Short-listed candidates would be called for an interview. Preference will be given to women, disabled and those from the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and minority communities. Applications should be sent on plain paper, specifying: name, age, mailing address, contact number etc. to the Director, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, 29, Rajpur Road, Delhi 110 054. Applications sent by e-mail or fax will not be accepted. Those required to route applications through their employer may send advance copies in order to meet the deadline. The last date for the receipt of completed applications is 31 December 2010.
Enquiries: S. Jayasree Jayanthan, Administrative Officer, Telephone:
23942199, 23951190, 23971151. Fax: 23943450, Email:
[email protected]
Web: ICSSR Institutional Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2012-13Applications are invited...
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