Dear EFN grantees,
Please help us spread the word about the upcoming 2013 Russell E. Train Fellowship competition for graduate studies in conservation-related fields!!
EFN is now accepting application from the following countries:
Malawi ? on the following topics:
? Impacts of climate change on key economic sectors of Malawi.
? Assessment of community vulnerability to climate change and possible mitigation and adaptation measures in Malawi.
? Strategies for the sustainable utilization of wetlands.
? Potential impacts of renewable energy solutions on rural populations of Malawi.
Nepal ? on the following topics:
? A natural science discipline relevant to sustainable natural resource management, forest management, ecosystem services, REDD+ or biodiversity conservation in Nepal.
? A social science discipline relevant to sustainable economic development or community-based resource management in Nepal.
? Climate change impacts, climate resilience and/or climate adaptation.
? Your thesis should be focused in one of the following areas: critical ecosystems and endangered species conservation and management, community based natural resource management, forest carbon, payments for ecosystem services, climate change adaptation (monitoring, and/or vulnerability assessments), climate adaptation strategy and program development for key biodiversity, ecosystem and/or community targets (preferably taking an integrated ecosystem-people approach), or environmental policy and law, or gender and/or social inclusion in relation to one of the above fields, in the Terai Arc Landscape, Sacred Himalayan Landscape or Chitwan Annapurna Landscape in Nepal.
Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Kenya, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Thailand and Vietnam ? on the following topic:
? Environmental law and policy focused on reducing wildlife crime
Please spread the word among your friends and colleagues** from the eligible countries listed above who are interested in pursuing graduate studies in these pre-selected fields. Applicants must apply online at
Thank you for your help in disseminating this information!
Best, EFN
**Past Russell E. Train FELLOWS are not eligible to apply for a second fellowship. Past Professional Development Grant recipients may apply.