The annual QSPS Summer Workshop takes place in a selective setting in
which 10 to 15 participants each have one hour to present and discuss
research. This format and selective setting facilitates in-depth peer
feedback, while interacting extensively with other workshop
The Quantitative Society for Pensions and Saving (QSPS) invites the
submission of theoretical, computational, and/or empirical research
papers that examine various aspects of life-cycle decision making.
Workshop topics typically include (but are not necessarily limited to)
the following areas of study:
Life-cycle decision making concerning consumption, saving, and labor supply.
Public and private pension design/reform, and related issues such as
Rational and/or behavioral models of life-cycle decision making.
Distribution of income and wealth as a function of age.
Demographic transitions in the age and skill structure of the population.
Debt, borrowing, mortgage contracts, housing, uncertainty about future
income, health investment.
Methods for computing life-cycle and overlapping-generations models in
partial equilibrium or general equilibrium.
Send papers (pdf format) via email to the Director of QSPS (T. Scott
Findley). The deadline for submission is March 28, 2012. Full,
although not necessarily finished, papers are required for submission;
abstracts alone will not be considered. Submitted papers will be
evaluated by the QSPS Program Committee and acceptance decisions will
be communicated shortly after the submission deadline.
Gustavo Ventura, Professor of Economics at Arizona State University.
Gustavo's research has focused on taxation, inequality, and
development. His published work has appeared in peer-reviewed outlets
such as the American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies,
Journal of Monetary Economics, International Economic Review, Review
of Economic Dynamics, and the Journal of Economic Dynamics and
Control, among several others.
Eric Young, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of
Virginia. Eric's research has emphasized topics such as unsecured
credit, rising indebtedness, credit default, rational inattention, and
insurance, among many others. He has published his research in
peer-reviewed academic journals such as the Journal of Monetary
Economics, Review of Economic Dynamics, Economics Letters,
Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, and BE Journal of
Macroeconomics: Contributions.
Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University, Logan,
Utah. Visitors enjoy world-class scenery just minutes from campus.
Easy access to hiking, biking, fishing, camping, boating and other
sight-seeing opportunities in the mountains. Logan is truly an outdoor
paradise for those who are enthusiastic about the mountains, providing
everything from gentle nature trails along rivers and lakes to extreme
challenges on some of the steepest slopes in the Rockies.
No submission and registration fees are required.