Social Sciences
Yes, the United States cares about the comfort women, but
Kennedy name still resonates in Japan After a year and half on the job, Amb. Caroline Kennedy has helped strengthen U.S.-Japan relations -- an alliance her father was keen to build
From the transcript of the 60 Minutes Interview aired on April 11, you can see the US defense of the Comfort Women is weak and pusillanimous. The Abe Government will never take Washington seriously with a statement like this:
From NYpost |
At times Abe hasn't made it easy for Kennedy. He stoked anger throughout much of Asia one month into her assignment by publicly paying homage to Japan's war dead, including 14 war criminals, at Tokyo's infamous Yasukuni Shrine...more recently he's argued that widely accepted accounts of Japanese soldiers abusing what were known as comfort women during World War II are exaggerated.
Norah O'Donnell: What are your thoughts on that?
Caroline Kennedy: Well, I think as President Obama said when he was here in the region last spring, I mean, the violation of human rights that that represents is deplorable. But I think our interest is to encourage the countries to work together and resolve those differences.
Norah O'Donnell: That's a diplomatic answer.
Caroline Kennedy: But it's true!
Norah O'Donnell: No, but what is true is there are thousands of women who were enslaved during World War II in military brothels to service the Japanese military. I mean, is he trying to whitewash history?
Caroline Kennedy: Well, the challenge for Japan-Korea, for Japan-U.S. is to learn from the past so that these horrible violations are never, ever repeated.
Abe wasn't elected to revise the past but to revitalize the economy, an imperative given what's happened to Japan.
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Social Sciences