Two weeks left to apply for the Presidential Innovation Fellowship!
Social Sciences

Two weeks left to apply for the Presidential Innovation Fellowship!

Colleagues, I apologize for the very short deadline on this--I just today received information about this very exciting opportunity.


Two weeks left to apply for the Presidential Innovation Fellowship!

There are just two weeks left to apply to be a Presidential Innovation Fellow! The PIF program pairs talented, diverse individuals with top civil servants in federal government to tackle many of our nation?s biggest challenges. A six-month or one-year tour of duty as a PIF is an amazing way to create a profound and lasting social impact.
Applicants have the opportunity to apply for 14 exciting projects, in three major areas: modernizing the veterans? experience, data innovation, and crowdsourcing. If you?ve ever thought about serving your country, or know someone who you think would be a great fit, apply to be a Presidential Innovation Fellow today! We are accepting applications through April 7.
Yours truly,
Todd Park
U.S. Chief Technology Officer
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

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Social Sciences
