Social Sciences
Thursday 18th June 2015
Today in the class of social sciences...
At first the teacher has given back the notebooks that we have gave her, the other day... Some students like Gustavo have to give the notebooks with all the contents ( he failed).
Then the teacher has explained some contents about Nazi Germany like:
- ?NUREMBERG LAWS (1935) They excluded the Jews from German nationality and forbade them to work in contact with Germans (?Arians?) or to marry them.
?NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS (9th November 1938) Attacks to synagogues and Jewish shops all around Germany: - - 90 Jews killed.
- -More than 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to camps - Massive emigration of Jews to other countries.
- ?MUNICH AGREEMENT (September 1938). Hitler claimed Sudentenland, a Czechoslovakian territory inhabited by 3 million German speakers.The main European powers met at Munich and signed an agreement Sudentenland to Germany. They didn´t want to provoke a war (appeasement policy, led by Neville Chamberlain, the UK prime minister) and saw Hitler as an 30th September 1938 important ally to stop Stalin.Hitler promised to stop his territorial demands, but he didn´t keep his promise.
- ? INVASION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA (March 1939). The Nazis occupied Bohemia and Moravia and established a protectorate in Slovakia
? NAZI- SOVIET PACT (August 1939) Secret agreement signed between Germany and the USSR. Hitler wanted to be sure of the USSR neutrality in the invasion of Poland and Stalin wanted to gain time in order to be ready for a future war against the Nazis.
- ?OUTBREAK OF WORLD WAR 2 (SEPTEMBER 1939) 1st September : Invasion of Poland using Thunder War (Blitzkrieg): combined attack of artillery and aircraft. 3rd September: France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. 17th September: The Soviet Union occupied the Eastern part of Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Poland was occupied in four weeks

We have copied some vocabulary:
- Night of the Long Knives: Noche de los Cuchillos Largos
-appeasement policy: política de apaciguamiento
-Thunder War: Guerra Relámpago
- Night of Broken Glass: Noche de los cristales rotos
-cleansing: depuración/limpieza
And finally I just wanted to say that it has been a very good year, we have learned a lot and we've been very well. Thanks to the teacher Paqui for standing us!
16th June (tuesday)
Hello everybody I'm Amalia! Today in Social Sciences lesson we have learnt about how did Nazis reach power but first Paqui has given the make up exam to the people who has failed. We knew from last day that Hitler founded a party calles NSDAPNSDAP...
Monday, 15th Of June 2015
Hello everybody! I'm Minerva and this is my last journal of the year. At first, Paqui has given us the exams and she has asked if we had any doubts, but we hadn't got any. Then, we have given to her the art projects because they are going to be...
Thrusday And Friday, 11th And 12th Of June
Hello everybody!! On Thrusday in class of social science, teacher Paqui give us our exams and then we started with Nazy Germany. We talk about the situation in Germany after WW1, that the Weimar republic had a lot of problems: - unemployment - poverty...
Tuesday, 9th Of June 2015
Hello! Today in Social Sciences we've continued with Nazi Germany. Paqui has started talking about the NSDAP which was the National Socialist German Workers Party founded by Hitler in 1920. Its ideology was very similar to Italian Fascism and there...
Tuesday, 28th Of April
Hello everybody! I'm Minerva and today it's my turn to write the journal. At first, Paqui has given us two comics about the World War 1. ¡Puta Guerra! was the first and the second was La Guerra de las Trincheras. While we were seeing the comics,...
Social Sciences