Inviting Applications for the
Summer Fellowship Program at
Samarthan- Centre for Development Support for
Research on Internal Migration in Madhya Pradesh
Samarthan Centre for development support is a leading non-profit organisation working in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh since 1995. The organization works towards promoting participatory development and good governance in both urban and rural areas. Over the last three years Samarthan has been deeply involved in working towards promoting the rights of the internal migrants in Madhya Pradesh through its project "Promoting rights of the socially and economically deprived migrant workers" funded by the Jamshedji Tata Trust by reaching out to migrants and the families through interventions at both the sending and receiving communities. Samarthan invites applications for the 2013 Summer Fellowship program to conduct primary research on internal migration in Madhya Pradesh.
The fellowship will be for a period of two months starting from 1st May, 2013. The applicant should have experience in researching on migration or similar issues in developing countries. The Fellowships will be based at the headquarters of Samarthan in Bhopal. The Fellow will be given a monthly subsistence allowance of Rs 25,000 during the period of fellowship. Applicants for the Fellowships should have completed a PhD in social sciences. The Fellow will be expected to complete a research study and submit a report of publishable quality during their stay and make a presentation at a National conference arranged by Samarthan in the last week of June.
Applications should be addressed to The Executive Director, Samarthan Centre for Development Support, 36 Green Avenue, Chuna Bhatti, Kolar Road, Bhopal- 462016 and may be submitted through the post or emailed to [email protected] . Applications should include a covering letter, a curriculum vitae with names of two referees and a writing sample preferably published in a peer reviewed journal.
The final date for receipt of applications is Monday, 5th April 2013. Late applications will not be accepted. The successful candidate will be informed of the decision by the end of 20th April.