Social Sciences
Stuart's (Interactive) Portrait of G. Washington
via George Washington: A National TreasureThe Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery has provided an excellent online tool for analyzing Stuart's (1796) famous portrait of the U.S.'s first president. When the portrait is launched, the user can explore the painting through features highlighted as symbolic, biographic, and artistic representations. For example, a symbolic feature of the painting is the clothing Stuart selected for his subject. For this topic of clothing, the online tool provides a revealing look at another portrait from the same time period, that of French King Louis XVI. With a little guidance, the juxtaposition of these two portraits can help students compare and contrast the ideals of two (somewhat) abstract concepts: democracy and monarchy.
via George Washington: A National Treasure
Today In History... The Death Of Gianlorenzo Bernini
Today, but 335 years ago, the most outstanding baroque architect and sculptor, GianLorenzo Bernini, died.Bernini was born on the 7 December 1598, in Naples. He was the 6th of a family of 13 brothers and sisters. When he was 8, he went to Rome with his...
Fwd: Leavis At York
'Leavis at York' 15th to 16th October, 2010 'Levis at York' - a conference and exhibition - forms part of a major reappraisal of F. R. Leavis, the most controversial literary critic of his time and one of the most important intellectual...
Monday In Washington, July 1
CHINA FINANCIAL CENTRE DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT. 7/1, 7:30-11:45am Sponsor: Economic Strategy Institute. Speakers: Clyde Prestowitz, President, Economic Strategy Institute; Feng Yueqiu, Director, China Development Institute (CDI); Dr. Guo Wanda, Executive Vice...
The Date That Will Live In Infamy
President Obama's Proclamation In the wake of the bombing of our harbor and the crippling of our Pacific Fleet, there were those who declared the United States had been reduced to a third-class power. But rather than break the...
Dalai Lama Visits Washington
The go-to events in Washington this week all have to do with the visiting Dalai Lama. He is in Washington from the 17th to 19th. Then he continues on to Los Angeles and Florida for speaking and teaching engagements. On Thursday, the 18th, he will meet...
Social Sciences