Strategies to improve visibility and impact through social media | Social Media 4 Us
Social Sciences

Strategies to improve visibility and impact through social media | Social Media 4 Us


Strategies to improve visibility and impact through social media


As a blogger, author of a book, chapter or article; it should come as
no surprise that we look to find ways to increase readership. This
morning whilst researching for a project I am working on, I came across
an article by Professor Christine Pascale
who provides a list of tips for researchers and authors to improve
research visibility and impact. Whilst this focuses on research, many of
the tips can easily be applied to any form of writing you wish to
share. It could be your blog about poetry or a book you have written.

In the list below I have added in red some additional suggestions of my own and hyperlinked the social media sites that are suggested.

Christine?s top tips for researchers and authors

Include a link to your blog or Amazon listing.
Consider writing a review of another author?s work in your own blog.
Include links to your work on the final slide. Upload your presentation to Slideshare, which is an excellent space for people to share, like and comment upon your work.
Tools like WordPress and Blogger make
this very easy and can be set up at static pages just like a website.
Including visible sharing buttons on your site enables readers to share
what they have read with others. 
Developing online networks on LinkedIn, Mendeley and ResearchGate
This is an excellent way to
receive feedback. Include questions in your posts to encourage readers
to answer these using the comments.
You may want to include #hashtags for
keywords that relate to your work. For example blogging about social
media in higher education, I might include #HigherEd #socialmedia.
When writing a blog post
think about the title and consider the search terms people may use to
locate information about your topic or specialism and include these
You may also want to consider AudioBoo or SoundCloud which are social sites for sharing audio.
Consider joining groups or setting up your own in LinkedIn to discuss your own subject specialisms. Cloudworks is a space to share, find and discuss learning and teaching ideas and experiences. Scribd and Issuu are digital documents libraries that allow users to publish, discover and discuss original writings and documents. 
For further ideas on how to develop
the use of social media you may wish to look at a presentation I gave at
the University of Roehampton on
Social Media and the Digital Scholar which is available on Slideshare.

Social Media and the Digital Scholar


Professor Dr Christine Pascal OBE


Strategies to improve visibility and impact through social media | Social Media 4 Us

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Social Sciences
