Social Sciences
Sir Ratan Tata Trust Endowment Fund @ Institute of Economic Growth
Institute invites applications for one Fellowship at the level of Assistant Professor, preferably aged below 35 years, for two years in the ? rst instance, which may be extended for a further period of one year subject to satisfactory work and one Fellowship at the level of Associate Professor/ Professor, aged below 45 years for a period of one year from Indian Scholars with a Ph.D. Degree in Economics or Sociology to undertake research on a well-formulated research project. For details please see IEG Website: or write to the Academic Programmes Of? cer: E-mail:
[email protected]
Fellowships Last Date 21st July 2012
Social Science Fellowship atthe Institute of Economic Growth (IEG)University of Delhi Enclave, North Campus, Delhi ? 110007The Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) invites applications for a Senior Research Fellowship (Associate Professor level) from ...
Professor @ Ieg
INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC GROWTHUNIVERSITY OF DELHI ENCLAVENORTH CAMPUS, DELHI-110007The Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) plans to appoint a Professor in the Agricultural Economics Research Unit of the Institute in the pay scale of Rs. 37,400-67,000, AGP:...
Sir Ratan Tata Trust Fellowship for Young Social Scientistsatthe Institute of Economic Growth (IEG)University of Delhi, North Campus, Delhi ? 110 007The IEG invites applications for One Senior Fellowship at the level of Associate Professor/Professor...
Srtt Fellow At The Level Of Assistant Professor At Ieg
The IEG invites applications for One Junior Fellowship at the level of Assistant Professor, from a well-established Indian scholar with a Ph.D. Degree in Economics, Sociology or other Social Sciences, preferably below the age of 35 years (less than...
Srtt Fellowship Ieg
Sir Ratan Tata Trust Fellowship for Young Social Scientists at the Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) University of Delhi, North Campus, Delhi - 110 007 The IEG invites applications for One Junior Fellowship at the level of Assistant Professor, from...
Social Sciences