Request for Proposals: 2015-2016 Extension, Engagement, & Economic Development Seed Grant
Social Sciences

Request for Proposals: 2015-2016 Extension, Engagement, & Economic Development Seed Grant

The Office of Outreach & Engagement is pleased to announce that funds are available to be awarded for selected proposals related to extension, engagement, and economic development activities for the 2015-16 fiscal year. The maximum award will be $10,000 per proposal request. 2015-2016 Proposal Guidelines and the Proposal Application are attached for your convenience.

The number of awards granted will be contingent upon the total amount of available funds and the incremental amounts of each request. The timeline for the 2014-15 competition is as follows:

December 3, 2014--Request for Proposals announcements go out/Post to Outreach & Engagement Website, and other relevant venues

January 30, 2015--Proposals due by COB to Office of Outreach & Engagement and in PINS. Send to Jenna Jeffrey: [email protected]

February 16, 2015--Judging by USCOEEED members concludes
March 16, 2015--Awardees notified
Mid April, 2015--"Celebrating the Engaged University" Awards Celebration
July 1, 2015--Funding cycle begins
June 30, 2016--Funding cycle ends
September 12, 2016--Final report due to Office of Outreach & Engagement

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you,

Jenna Jeffrey for Andrew Behnke, 2014-15 Chair, USCOEEED
& Dr. Teresa Helmlinger Ratcliff, Vice Provost for Outreach & Engagement

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Social Sciences
