Political Science
Social Sciences

Political Science

Political Science is the science of state and government. Traditionally it has focused on two main arias. Political philosophy and actual forms of government. Political science has close links with sociology. In the recent years political science has been very strongly influenced by one of the branches of sociology, known as "political Sociology". Political sociology analyses political behavior and studies the social interaction involved in the process of government. The interests of political scientists and political sociologists have been gradually converging and in many instances they now overlap.

- Sociology Is A General Science And Not A Special Social Science
The aria of inquiry of sociology is general and not specialised. It is concerned with human interaction and human life in general. Other sciences like political science, history, economics etc, also study man and human interaction, but not all about human...

- Sociology As A Social Science
Sociology is one of the members of the family of Social Sciences. As a young Social Science, it has acquired a distinct status for itself. Its importance and practical usefulness are widely recognised today. Like all other Social Sciences, Sociology...

- Sub - Divisions Or Branches Of Sociology
Sociology is fast growing and popular discipline. Sociologists are at work to bring into its range of study almost all aspects of man's social life. Sociology has a tendency to break down into an endless list of specialties. Thus it has several specialized...

- Nature Of Sociology
Sociology is the branch of knowledge and it has its own characteristics. Sociology has different nature in society. It is different from other sciences in certain respects. The following are the main characteristics of sociology as enlisted by Robert...

- Sociology Related With Other Sciences
Sociology is the wider and broader in scope and it was related or interlinked with many others social sciences. Sociology is the science of the society and in society many kinds of things were happens to fulfilled the whole society and there is co-operation...

Social Sciences
