Open Access and the HumanitiesContexts, Controversies and the Future
Just click on the open access button to get a highly elaborated overview of the many factors that co-shape scholarly communication and publishing practices in the humanities.
The main focus is on the transition to- and reflection of open access strategies, all of this relevant also for the social sciences in general!
- Open Access, Science, Society, Democracy And The Digital Divide
Sociological implications of scientific publishing: Open access, science, society, democracy and the digital divideby Ulrich Herb at FirstMonday This article critically approaches several claims underpinning open access from a sociological perspective...
- Exposing Your Research - James Hardiman Library - Nui Galway
Source: Exposing your ResearchThe visibility and exposure of your research is influenced by many factors. Selecting where to publish is one of the...
- The Open Access Citation Advantage Service « Sparc Europe
Source: The Open Access Citation Advantage Service The OpCit project has for many years kept up to date a list of studies on whether or not there is a citation advantage for Open Access articles. That...