Monday, 23rd of March 2015
Social Sciences

Monday, 23rd of March 2015

Today in Social Sciences lesson, we have starded with the presentation of Nuria's, Maria's and Rosario's project. It was about Charles IV's reing and the Peninsular War. They had to show us th eproject the last day but Nuria didn't come to class so they couldn't. I think that this project is very good, because they draw a lot and they use diferent pictures to explain the information.
Then we have started with the projects about Isabella II and we have copied a little outline about it.
Isabella II ruled fromm 1833 to 185. It regency was divided into:
- Moderate Decade from 1844 to 1854
-Progressive Bennium from 1851 to 1856
-Alternation between moderate and liberal union from 1856 to 1868.
The first project about this was mine's. Azahara's and Silvia's. Paqui said that we could make more drawins instead of drawing the same all the time, but my classmeates wais that it was good. In my opinion we can do it better. I included the link of our video.

And finally, we have seen the project of Pablo, Fran and Javi. I think it was the best project because its funny and also said the information about Isabella. Paqui said that the haven't spoke about all the pints but it was so good. I included also the link of the video.


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- 26th March 2015 (thursday)
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- Spain's History Comic Strips Projects
Here you have the comic strips your classmates made. Click on the pictures to read the texts: - Charles IV's reign and the Peninsular War, by Nuria, María and Rosario  - Ferdinand VII's reign and the regencies, by Cristina, Lucía...

- Thursday 26th February Of 2015
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Social Sciences
