Monday, 22nd June 2015
Social Sciences

Monday, 22nd June 2015

Hi, I?m Clara Inés!

Today in Social Sciences class as there weren?t many people we have seen a documentary about the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp.


The documentary talked about the Spanish people who were sent  to this camp, but not all the Spanish people survived. These Spaniards were sent there because when the Spanish Civil War ended most of the Spanish people went  to France to live there and when the WW2 started with the Nazism many of these people were sent to this camp by Hitler's orders.


On the documentary these people talked about the five years that they ?livde? there, in the camp. Almost all the people who were confined  there died of hunger, were executed or they committed suicide.


In my opinion I think that the documentary was very hard. These people suffered a lot of, they were battered and abused. For me the most emotional part was when the Nazism started to disappeared and all the people of this camp could start to goes home, for me this was the most beautiful part.


And the worst part was when the people died and they were stacked and were moved with excavators, These people were very skinny, due to the hunger.


That's all for today. Have a happy summer and enjoy it.


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Social Sciences
