Google Faculty Research Awards
Social Sciences

Google Faculty Research Awards


Google has announced its deadlines for its Faculty Research Awards. They are April 15 and October 15 of this year. While these awards tend to focus on technical fields, the breadth of their interests is considerable, and I believe that there are faculty in CHASS who could find this opportunity exciting. The funds tend to support graduate students, but the research project must be directed by a faculty PI.

The announcement is at

Their FAQ page is

Please visit these pages for more details. Please also note that Google funds research as unrestricted gifts, not grants, to the University. For now, this distinction is not important--your time is better spent considering how you might apply for this funding! But since this is unusual in the research world, you will want to work with the CHASS research office carefully to ensure that we follow both Google's and our University's processes for handling unrestricted gifts.

Following is a blurb from the Google announcement. I think this is very exciting, and I urge you to read this announcement!

What are Google Research Awards?
Google Research Awards are one-year awards structured as unrestricted gifts to universities to support the work of world-class full-time faculty members at top universities around the world. Faculty members can apply for Research Awards by submitting a proposal to one of our two 2013 funding rounds. Our 2013 deadlines are April 15 and October 15. Recipients are selected through a comprehensive internal review process and notified of their awards within 4 months of the initial submission. Faculty members can apply for up to 150,000 USD in eligible expenses, but actual award amounts are frequently less than the full amount requested. Most awards are funded at the amount needed to support basic expenses for one graduate student for one year. Please see our FAQs for more details on eligibility and budgets.

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Social Sciences
