Social Sciences

The third of the intellectual influences is that of evolution.* It affected everyone of the social sciences each of which was concerned with the idea of "development". It was
believed that the idea of evolution would help people to understand the development in social structures or societies as it had helped the biologists to understand the development in the
structure of animals.
The impact of the
Charles Darwin,s "Origin of Species", published in 1859, was of course great and further enhanced the appeal of the evolutionary view of things. It should be noted that even before the publication of Darwin's work
, Comte, Spencer and
Marx had already given shape to the idea of evolution in their literary works. "The important point, in any
event, is that the idea or the philosophy of evolution was in the air throughout the century, as profoundly
contributory of establishment of sociology as a systematic
discipline in the 1830s as to such fields as geology, astronomy, and biology. Evolution was as
permeative an idea as the Trinity had been in
medieval Europe"
Sociology Of Knowledge
'Sociology of Knowledge' is one of the recently emerged branches of sociology. This branch pre-supposes the idea "that our knowledge is in some measure a social product." Thinkers had recognized long back the importance of economic, religious,...
Anthropology is a science of man and his works. Sociology and anthropology are "twin sisters". Both are mutually helpful and supportive. Anthropology has two main branches: (i) Physical anthropology and (ii) cultural anthropology. Physical anthropology...
Sociology And Anthropology
Sociology is the science of society. Sociology word was terms which was derived from Latin and Greek words as the socious or societus and logos or logy which means society and science or study. Sociology word was first used by the French Professor August...
Friday, 13th Of March Of 2015
Hi everybody! Today at the beginning of the class of Social Sciences, Paqui has changed José María and Rodrigo of site. Then we have corrected the homework, the scheme of the Attitudes Towards Colonialism and I have copied the correction in the notebook....
Classsic Evolutionism In Social Sciences
The evolutionary account in Social Sciences is inspired by the Scottish tradition ? David Hume, Adam Smith, and Adam Ferguson -, which is continued in the XX Century by Friedrich A. von Hayek. We will call this tradition ?Classic Evolutionism? (CE) and...
Social Sciences