Contributions of Comte to the Development of Sociology As a Science
Social Sciences

Contributions of Comte to the Development of Sociology As a Science

  1. Comte gave to 'sociology' its name and laid its foundation so that it could develop into an independent and separate science.
  2. Comte's insistence on positive approach, objectivity and scientific attitude contributed to the progress of social sciences in general.
  3. Comte, through his "Law of Three Stages" clearly establish the close association between intellectual evolution and social progress.
  4. Comte, through classification of sciences drives home the fact that sociology depends heavily on the achievements of other sciences. The 'interdisciplinary approach' of the modern times is in tune with the Comtean view.
  5. Comte gave maximum importance to the scientific method. He criticised the attitude of the armchair social philosophers and stressed the need to follow the method of science.
  6. Comte divided the study of sociology into two broad areas: "social statics" and "social dynamics". Present day sociologists have retained them in the form of 'social structure and function' and 'social change and progress'.
  7. Comte upheld the 'moral order' in the society. The importance which he attached to morality highly impressed the later writers such as Arnold Toynbee and Pitirim A. Sorokin.
  8. Comte also contributed to the development of theoretical sociology.
  9. Comte had argued that sociology was not just a "pure" science, but an "applied" science also. He believed that sociology should help so solve the problems of society. This insistence on the practical aspect of sociology led to the development of various applied fields of sociology such as "social work", "social welfare".
  10. Comte's famous books (i) 'Positive Philosophy' [in six volumes] and, (ii) "Positive Polity" [in four volumes] are a memorable contributions to the development of sociological literature.

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Social Sciences
