Social Sciences
Constitution Day is September 17th
Center for Civic EducationConstitution Day is September 17. Here are a few resources that may be of interest. First, the Center for Civic Education is offering several PK-12 Constitution lessons. (All are free pdf downloads.)
There are also a number of other free sample lesson plans for civics education from the Center for Civic Education. A general search for sample lessons will give you several options. Here are some of the highlights from this search:
- Lesson 6: What are the Possible Consequences of Privacy?
- Lesson 1: Why do we need a government?
- Responsibility
- Lesson 28: How Can Citizens Participate?
- Lesson 15: What Conflicting Opinions Did the Framers Have about the Completed Constitution?
Semantic ConstitutionAnother resource for working directly with the pivotal U.S. government document is the Semantic Constitution. This site allows you to sort information in the Constitution by article and topic (e.g., debt, religion, veto).
Choices ProgramFinally, a multimedia approach for instruction is available at the Choices site. Here, for example, students can see videos of interviews with scholars Gordon Wood and Michael Vorenberg as they discuss issues related to the American Revolution and the U.S. Constitution. In one excerpt, Gordon Wood answers the question, "How was the American Revolution more radical than the founders had intended?"
Thursday, 12th November 2015
Hi! Today I want to show you what we?ve done this morning in Social Sciences class.At the beginning of the class, we?ve reviewed what we did on Tuesday. Paqui has made a short summary which included: the Reasons of the discontent, how they declared independence...
Checking Our Constitution@30: The Influence Of The Canadian Constitution And The Charter Of Rights On Legislation, Identities And Federalism, April 17
Checking Our Constitution@30: The Influence of the Canadian Constitution and the Charter of Rights on Legislation, Identities and Federalism, April 17 to 18 April 2012 Ottawa, Canada April 17th, 2012 will mark the 30th anniversary of the patriation...
Public At Peace With Japan's Constitution
Polls show the Japanese public are losing interest in constitutional reform. On May 3, Japan?s constitution marked its 63rd anniversary since its promulgation in 1947 under the MacArthur Occupation. To date, the document has yet to be amended, although...
August 28, 2013: 50 Years Since The March On Washington
Today, bells rang at 3pm EST to commemorate the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. More specifically, ringing the bells at three was to signify the importance of one person and one speech, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream." Fifty years...
Don't Buy A Textbook
Stanford History Education Group's Reading Like a Historian I recently received an email from a Superintendent in Massachusetts. It was time to buy an American history textbook series, and he wanted to know if I had any suggestions. My quick answer...
Social Sciences