Social Sciences
Classification of Sciences
It is humanly
impossible to for any individual to master the whole of knowledge with all its
complexity and diversity.One can only attempt to
understand more about one or other branch of knowledge.There are different sciences to deal with different branches of knowledge.These
sciences are of two kinds:(
Physical Sciences, and
Social Sciences.
Physical Sciences
The physical sciences deal mostly with the natural
inanimate objects.They are regarded as more precise, exact and less dubious.Ex: Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, Geology, Geography, Astronomy, etc.
The physical scientists make use of the scientific method in order to acquire knowledge in their respective fields.They can product experiments to verify the facts. Theories and laws of universal validity are established more
easily and accurately in physical sciences. They provide less scope for doubt and
uncertainty. Prediction is not only possible, but also easy and accurate. The
problem of objectivity can be overcome easily. The relationship between cause and effect is
relatively more clear here.
Social Sciences
The term Social
Sciencee is often loosely applied to any kind of study which is concerned with man and society. But , in the strict sense, it refers to "the application of scientific methods of study of intricate and complex network of human relationships and the forms of organization desired t enable people to live together in societies". As Young and Mack say, "By social science we mean those bodies of knowledge compiled through the use of scientific method which deal with the forms and contents of man's interaction".Ex: History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology etc.
To be social is to interact, to participate in group life.All human beings are social. People interact with other people on order to survive. All human beings live in society, that is to say, every person is a member of the same human group or some social environment. The
physicist, the chemist, the astronomer and the biologist study the universe, in which we live and the elements of which it is composed, in an attempt to understand our physical environment. Similarly, the social scientist studies the environment in which we live in, and attempts to understand human society and to predict how people will interact in a given set of circumstances.
Social Or Human Ecology
Ecology is a branch of biology and has been largely concerned with the environment of the lower animals and plants. It refers to the influence of the environment upon animal ecology. The sociologists who adopted the approach of these natural scientists...
Sociology Is A Social Science Not A Physical Science.
Sociology belongs to the family of social sciences and not to the family of physical sciences. As a social science it concentrates its attention on man, his social behavior, social activities and social life. As a member of the family of social sciences...
Anthropology is a science of man and his works. Sociology and anthropology are "twin sisters". Both are mutually helpful and supportive. Anthropology has two main branches: (i) Physical anthropology and (ii) cultural anthropology. Physical anthropology...
Social Sciences Are Less Exact
When compared with the physical sciences, the social sciences are less exact and less precise. The social scientists face many difficulties while making their studies. Scientific method, with all its established procedures, cannot be strictly used in...
Methods Of Sociology
Sociology as a social science has been trying to develop its own method of study. Sociology has to face greater problems in evolving a satisfactory method in the comparison with other social sciences. Man' s social life is complex and multi-faceted....
Social Sciences