Social Sciences
China's responsibilities
German China Trade Ship ca. 1870 |
GLOBAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOK: CHINA, THE EURO CRISIS, AND THE UNITED STATES. 12/21, 9:45-11:45am, Breakfast, Washington, DC. Sponsor: Carnegie (CEIP). Speaker: Pieter Bottelier, Nonresident Scholar, CEIP;
Uri Dadush, Senior Associate and Director, CEIP;
Yukon Huang, Senior Associate, CEIP; Hans Timmer, Director, Development Prospects Group, World Bank.
Despite this progress, the overall picture currently presented by China?s WTO membership remains complex, given a troubling trend in China toward intensified state intervention in the Chinese economy over the last five years. Increasingly, trade frictions with China can be traced to China?s pursuit of industrial policies that rely on trade-distorting government actions to promote or protect China?s state-owned enterprises and domestic industries. In fact, in recent years, China seems to be embracing state capitalism more strongly, rather than continuing to move toward the economic reform goals that originally drove its pursuit of WTO membership.
SummaryTestimony Before The Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Assistant United States Trade Representative for China Affairs Claire Reade, December 13, 2011.
Ten Years in the WTO: Has China Kept Its Promises Hearing of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, December 13, 2011.
China's Currency
This week's big discussion in Washington is China?s currency. There will be two hearings held by the House Ways & Means Committee and one at the Senate Finance Committee. Prior to the hearings, the Heritage Foundation held a seminar examining...
China's Policy Futures
THE LONG TERM FUTURE OF U.S.-CHINESE RELATIONS: ECONOMIC, POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL ASPECTS. 8/2, 1:45-5:30pm, 8/3, 9:00am-4:45pm, Washington, DC. Sponsors: Woodrow Wilson Center (WWC) Kissinger Institute on China and the United States; Harvard University...
Quiet Week In Washington
Congress is in recess until April 12th TRANSPARENCY IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND CLIMATE CHANGE IN CHINA. 4/1, 2:00pm. Sponsor: Congressional-Executive Commission on China. Speakers: Barbara Finamore, Founder and Director, China Program, Natural Resources...
China Breaking
CHINA'S ECONOMY IN THE POST-CRISIS WORLD. 3/17, 10:00am-Noon, Washington, DC. Sponsor: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Speakers: Douglas Paal, Vice President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Tom Byrne, Vice President and Senior...
China On The Agenda
THE DRAGON?S GIFT: THE REAL STORY OF CHINA IN AFRICA. 2/2, 4:00-6:00pm, Washington, DC. Sponsor: Africa Program and Freeman Chair in China Studies, CSIS. Speakers: Dr. Deborah Bräutigam, International Development Program American University's School...
Social Sciences