Chancellor's Innovation Fund solicitation
Social Sciences

Chancellor's Innovation Fund solicitation

Folks, another note from Billy, this time on the Chancellor's Innovation Fund solicitation. While this is heavily oriented toward patentable ideas and inventions, many of you and your colleagues may be working on projects that are a form of a technology transfer. Let me know if we can help you prepare a proposal.


I am pleased to announce that we will release the Chancellor's Innovation Fund solicitation on December 1, 2011. The solicitation will include specific instructions related to proposal content, submission, and review criteria. A total of $350,000 is available during the FY 2012 funding cycle and we intend to fund no more than six (6) projects. I encourage you to consider those projects and/or ideas that could benefit from proof-of concept funding and submit an invention disclosure no later than December 1, 2011. Disclosures should be submitted using our new electronic invention disclosure submission tool ( Inventions/ideas already disclosed to the Office of Technology Transfer are also eligible. The Chancellor's Innovation Fund program is highly competitive and aimed at funding technology development projects that can be translated into partnerships with industry or the launch of a new company. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Billy Houghteling

Executive Director
Office of Technology Transfer
(919) 515-7199
[email protected]

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Social Sciences
